press release webpage 17.02.20 | Communiqués | PRESS
Letter from La Puntual-Putxinel·lis de Barcelona in support of the Antic Teatre project, 27/04/2020:
Letter from Associació Amics de l’Ateneu Santboià in support of the Antic Teatre project, 15/03/2020:
Letter from Espacio Tangente, Centro de Craeción Contemporánea in support of the Antic Teatre project, 6/03/2020:
Letter from TRAFIK in support of the Antic Teatre project, 6/03/2020:
Letter from Habitual Video Team in support of the Antic Teatre project, 4/03/2020:
Letter from favb (Federació d’associacions de veïns i veïnes de Barcelona) in support of the Antic Teatre project, 3/03/2020:
Letter from La Red Transibérica de Espacios Culturales Independientes in support of the Antic Teatre project, 2/03/2020:
Letter from IMÁGENES Y PALABRAS in support of the Antic Teatre project, 2/03/2020:
Letter from LaBonne, centro de cultura de dones Francesca Bonnemaison in support of the Antic Teatre project, 26/02/2020:
Letter from Rijeka City Puppet Theatre, Croatia in support of the Antic Teatre project, 24/02/2020:
Letter from GENAD, grup ecologísta del nucli antic de Barcelona in support of the Antic Teatre project, 19/02/20:
Letter from CENTRE SANT PERE APÒLTOL in support of the Antic Teatre project, 18/02/20:
press release webpage 17.02.20 | Communiqués | PRESS
Contact: Verónica Navas Ramírez – Comunicación Antic Teatre /
+34 93 315 23 54
#AlAnticNiTocarlo #AnticNoSeToca #anticteatrenoestoca #lanticteatrenoestoca #LAnticNoEsToca #SalvemlAntic #SocAntic #AnticTeatre #CulturaDeBaseBCN #gentrificaciocultural #salesenperill