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SÂLMON< FESTIVAL - February 17 to 21, 2021

Dossier | Image Save The Date | https://www.festivalsalmon.com/
From February 17 to 21, and after eight editions, festival SÂLMON< is embarking on a new cycle of shared curatorship that will extend over the next two years and will include the 2021 iteration, a continuous programme over the course of the year, and the 2022 edition.
In a new model of shared dialogue with the creation centres behind it, the festival is bringing in artists Sofía Asencio, Bea Fernández, Ariadna Rodríguez and Iñaki Álvarez as curators, with cultural manager Dianelis Diéguez to provide artistic and organisational coordination.
Over the five days in February, the festival will offer audiences a live arts programme from a television ‘set’ staged at Mercat de les Flors, although the programme will begin three weeks earlier at Fabra y Coats: Fábrica de Creación with an experimental lab using a televisual format.
The festival is also collaborating with Telenoika, who will be filming what goes on on the ‘set’ and broadcasting it to different screens around the city.
A new season, and a new organisational and curatorial structure.
For the first time, festival SÂLMON< will be steered by four of Barcelona’s live arts creation centres: Antic Teatre, La Caldera, El Graner and La Poderosa are joining forces for the festival’s ninth iteration in these critical times for culture. The new organisational model, which is both horizontal and collective, has emerged from the desire to contribute to the stability of such a fragile sector, on the one hand, and, on the other, to fight against its precarious nature, made worse by the current crisis.
At the same time, and also as a first, the creation centres driving SÂLMON< 21 have decided to rethink the festival by having a curatorial group programme and conceptualise both upcoming iterations, as well as an ongoing programme over the course of the year. The curatorship will be held by Sofía Asencio, Bea Fernández, Ariadna Rodríguez and Iñaki Álvarez. A new position, that of artistic and organisational mediator, has been created and will be taken up by cultural manager Dianelis Diéguez.
The festival’s website name has changed to festivalsalmon.com, but it continues to rely on support from Barcelona City Council (Barcelona Institute of Culture) and on the close collaboration of Mercat de les Flors and Fabra y Coats: Fábrica de Creación.
2021 Edition, from February 17 to 21: live arts and experimentation with a television format.
The 2021 iteration will kick off on February 1st with a three-week lab in which five artists will experiment together using a televisual format at Fabra y Coats: Fábrica de Creación.
The lab will culminate in four days of content delivered from a specially designed open space at the MAC auditorium at Mercat de les Flors staged as a television set and in front of a live audience, offering elements of different types and duration, always from the perspective of the ‘live’ aspect of live arts, while playing with the television magazine show format. This will result in a programme consisting of different sections that, rather than reproducing the dynamics of conventional television, aims to consider the medium as a potential way of breaking with the hierarchies of format, genre, discipline, high and low culture, or fiction and documentary.
The programme will feature staged pieces that can be seen at the Pina Bausch Auditorium of Mercat de les Flors. Without losing sight of live arts as its mainstay, by experimenting with the television set format the festival can be relayed to a number of different screens and audiovisual media around the city. Telenoika, an audiovisual community that brings together artists interested in experimentation, is charged with filming. Studio Soon in Tokyo will provide the image for the festival’s new phase.
Dossier | Image Save The Date | https://www.festivalsalmon.com/