

Antic Teatre began producing shows jointly with companies and artists in 2008 when it established a programme of artistic and technical residencies involving local, national and international artists who base their work on innovation and new languages of performance.

These joint productions, or co-productions, consist in providing artists and companies with free use of our space and installations, either for performance research projects (that do not necessarily lead to a public performance), or for the creation of new shows (completed works eventually performed in front of an audience).

In addition to the joint endeavours based on the residencies programme, as a result of which around 23 to 25 different projects are co-produced each year, Antic Teatre selects 10 to 12 new projects from companies and/or artists to which it will also provide some financial support. These may be produced by Antic Teatre together with the company itself, or jointly with other organisations or institutions with which Antic Teatre has signed agreements (La Central del Circ, El Graner – Mercat de les Flors, and the Escena Poble Nou Festival), or in collaboration with other festivals and/or events (GREC Festival, Fira Tàrrega, TNT Festival of Terrassa, La Caldera de les Corts, La Poderosa and Estruch of Sabadell).

Since 2008, we have co-produced too many projects to enumerate here. We would, however, like to list our co-productions from 2016 and two of the most exceptional projects from the last couple of years.

– 2021 Co-productions:

Aquellas que no deben morir by Las Huecas, The watching machine by Macarena Recuerda Shepherd, Cry Babies by The Followers. co, New(a)days by Park Keito / Kotomi Nishiwaki & Miquel Casaponsa, Perpetua Felicidá by Iniciativa Sexual Femenina, Parné by Glòria Ribera, Se Alquila #5. Barcelona by Oscar Cornago & Juan Navarro, Orama byRaquel Gualtero Soriano, Solo vine a bañarme by Andrea Pellejero.

– 2020 Co-productions:

Official presentation of the gadgets for our salvation by Júlia Barbany Arimany, Copoazu (Teatro Amazonas) by Azkona&Toloza, Fent Cua by Urša Sekirnik & Joana Serra, WhiCh by Adoctrinades – Virgínia Gimeno Folgado, Bodily portraits of Minor Characters by Dones Beat, Laniakea by Sagan,  no has d´avorrirt(-te) vol. 2 – els implicats by Christina Schmutz with Coindesmu & Frthwin Wagner- Lippok.

– 2019 Co-productions:

La Ciudad by Verónica Navaz Ramírez, Pienso casa, digo silla by Los Detectives, Apariciones Sonoras by Amaranta velarde, Catalina by Iniciativa Sexual Femenina, Quatre octaves i mitja (Un No-concert) by Mònica Mountaner & Roza Muñoz, Suicide Notes by Marc Caellas & David G. Torres, Parecer Felices  by El Pollo Campero, Comidas para llevar, La Delación by Iris Hinojosa, Javier Olaizola, Gerard Vilardaga, Ay ay ay by Olga Onrubia, Todos por los aires by Sandra Gómez, bluemonday (Andre) by La Belle Journée, El odio a la música by Cia. David Fernández, La Fiesta (concert) by Marc Vives,  Random by Joel Martí & Pablo Molina.

– 2018 Co-productions:

A Nation Is Born In Me by Søren Evinson, Pop: Ser Britney Spears by El Pollo Campero, Comidas para llevar & Colectivo Leer es sexy, De lo invisible y lo innombrable by Javier Vaquero & Streetjizz, No Estamos ARTAS #3 {propostes escèniques} by Artistas Asociadas a La Poderosa, 36 Caracteres by Sandra Navarro, Radio Hit by Ursa Sekirnik, Fine Cherry by Les Brontë, “¿Sabes lo que quieres?” by Mario Pons, Mostra de propostes d’improvisació by CIM, Cicle Improvisació en Moviment.

– 2017 Co-productions:

Rebota, rebota y en tu cara explota by Agnés Mateos & Quim Tarrida, Cremen mars estranys. Pacífico #3 by Txalo Toloza-Fdez. & Laida Azkona Goñi, Gibbons Amateur by Rubén Ramos Nogueira, Un paseo colectivo (Exterior. Ciutat Vella – Atardecer) by Xavier Manubens, Verónica Navas,  Este verano hice parapente y me reconcilié con el vacío by Adeline Thery & Nicolas Chevalier, Comida by Nyamnyam, Nosoyrusa# (una peli de tu vida) by La Señorita Blanco, Goldengas by Ignacio Galilea / Susana Goulart / Carles López, Hacer Historia (s) Cycle Vol. II by La Poderosa.

– 2016 Co-productions:

With Festival Escena Poble Nou, A placer by Labuena Compañía; with Festival GREC 2016, La mort tèrmica de l’Univers by Ariadna Rodríguez and Això no és televisió by Víctor Guerrero and Eduardo Gión; with El Graner, Las actrices siempre mienten by Pollo Campero comidas para llevar; with La Central del Circ, El lado oscuro de las flores by Ginés Belchi; with La Poderosa, Sessions remotes by Mònica Muntaner and Manejar el hacer líquido de forma indisciplinada by Mar Medina; and finally, under specific agreements between the company and Antic Teatre, El perico tumba la paloma by Marc Caellas; Avistament 1 by Big Bouncers; Friccions by Mariona Naudin; and Anarchy by Societat Doctor Alonso.

– Outstanding projects from the past few years that are currently on tour.



As well as co-producing a range of shows, since 2014-2015 Antic Teatre has begun to fully produce a number of others. The type of works we choose are local performance creations selected for their singularity (work based on research, innovation, and the latest in dramatic creation) and their artistic value; for their ability to be adapted for international audiences; for being flexible and easy to set up, and based on audience management studies made specifically for each case.

To date, we have produced five different shows:

In 2022:

  • Juana Dolores: Hit me if I’m pretty
  • Nyamnyam in collaboration with Carme Torrent and Blanca Callén: INERT?
  • Los Detectives: Concrete Matter

In 2021:

  • Søren Evinson: Just Desire

In 2020:

  • Juana Dolores: # JUANA DOLORES # * massa diva per a un moviment assembleari *
  • Sergi Fäustino: Fäustino VI o 126 cavalls
  • Community Arts project with our local Casc Antic residents: Souvenirs Vol. II, Els aterrits, els revoltats (DOCUMENTAL)

In 2019:

  • Rubén Ramos Nogueira: Scguman Amateur
  • Community Arts project with our local Casc Antic residents: Souvenirs

In 2018:

  • Projecte Xarxa de Cures, ahir i avui (ARTiPART): Rebomboris
  • Macarena Recuerda Shepherd: ¡Ay! ¡Ya!
  • Txalo Toloza-Fernández y Laida Azkona: Tierras del Sud
  • Societat Doctor Alonso: Estudi per a Pandereta

In 2017:

  • Community Arts project with our local Casc Antic residents: La Bellesa

In 2016:

  • Txalo Toloza-Fernández: Pacífico #3. Extraños mares arden
  • Community Arts project with our local Casc Antic residents: Ritme en el temps
  • Mos Maiorum: Mos Maiorum el costum dels nostres avantpassats
  • Project with children and teenagers from the neighbourhood: Mou-te babel

In 2015:

  • Abast Elàstic: A.U.R.A
  • Carla Rovira: Most of all you have to hide it from the chicks
  • Colectivo N340Carretera N340
  • Community Arts project with our local Casc Antic residents: Ritme en el temps
  • Community Arts project with our local Casc Antic residents: Mou-te Babel

In 2014:

  • Proyecto Artístico comunitario con las vecinas y vecinos del Casc Antic: Ritme en el Temps

Co-production shows.

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