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ANTIC TEATRE'S COMMUNITY ARTS PROJECT with local senior citizens from Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera neighbourhoods (2011-current)
The videos of interviews from the Antic Teatre Community Arts Project are open to the public and can be seen on this page.
Culturopolis: “Finestres obertes: projecte artístic comunitari de l’Antic Teatre” [2022]
Proyecto artístico Comunitario del Antic Teatre con las vecinas y vecinos de los barrios de Sant Pere, Santa Caterina y La Ribera, “La bellesa” [2017]
Muestra del proyecto comunitario del Antic Teatre “Ritme en el temps” [2013]
Main network:
– Associació Veïnal del Casc Antic – SOSI
Neighborhood entity deeply rooted in the neighborhood of which Antic Teatre is a part.
Collaboration for the Casc Antic Festival.
Programming of joint activities. For example, the photographic exhibition of the 10 years of the Community arts project at the SOSI headquarters.
– Centre Cívic Convent de Sant Agustí
Municipal civic center linked to the project since its inception.
Rehearsal and meeting space for the participants.
Participation / collaboration in other activities that the Civic Center develops in the neighborhood.
– Casal del Barri del Pou de la Figuera
Municipal public facility managed by the Federació Casc Antic Gestió Comunitària with the aim of being a point of reference for neighborhood and community activity.
Space for rehearsal and meeting for project participants.
Municipal youth facility that provides cultural programs, information and advice to young people and works to promote youth associations and social cohesion.
Rehearsal and meeting space for the participants in the project.
Participation / collaboration in other activities that the Palau Alòs develops in the neighborhood with young people.
– La Bonne, Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison
Meeting space and creation of multidisciplinary feminist projects.
Space for punctual rehearsal.
– Mescladís (Fundació Mescladís. Cuinant oportunitats). & – Sindillar
Entity that works for the labor integration of migrated people.
Joint participation in neighborhood activities and contracting of its catering services by Antic Teatre (proximity consumption).
Casc Antic cultural center with more than a hundred years of history, headquarters of different entities in the neighbourhood.
Rehearsal space.
Private entity that works in the education and social insertion of infants, adolescents and young people in situations of social vulnerability.
Participation of the young users of the foundation in various creations.
– Dansalut
Entity that works to promote the psychophysical development of the person through the body and through movement therapy and dance.
It is the entity that, led by Montse Iranzo, does movement work with the group and participates in the creation and direction of the project together with the stage director and playwright Marta Galán.
– Institut del Teatre, Escola El Timbal & Eòlia. Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic.
Collaboration with these three performing arts schools in Barcelona for the incorporation of internship students.
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