Letter from La Red Transibérica de Espacios Culturales Independientes in support of the Antic Teatre project, 2/03/2020

de espacios culturales

We at the Red Transibérica de Espacios Culturales Independientes (Trans Iberian Network of Independent Cultural Centres) would like to express our full support to Antic Teatre, cofounder of the network.

The Trans Iberian Network is a decentralised cooperation and collective representation platform that brings together around twenty independent cultural centres, as well as other cultural organisations and/or collectives that share similar values.

The Network’s mission is to promote the development of independent cultural centres and their recognition by society and public administrations.

Once again, it is being made clear that public institutions are not providing our centres with the protection they deserve.

Antic Teatre has proved overwhelmingly the importance of its role in the development of arts and culture in Barcelona, and should be protected from real estate speculation.

Signed in Logroño, on March 2nd, 2020

Go back to Support letters  |  See support letter pdf file

press release webpage 17.02.20 | ANTIC UNDER THREAT | Communiqués


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