Habitual Video Team
València 558, àtic 1ª
08026 Barcelona
Letter of support to Antic Teatre
We are Habitual Video Team (Lis Costa and Josep M. Jordana), a non-profit cultural association active since 1991, mainly in the field of audiovisual and audiocreation activities.
We have worked with Antic Teatre of Barcelona since 2010 on the programming for videocreation event Flux Club (every other Monday throughout the year) where we screen videos followed by discussions with their creators, and since 2014 on an annual festival of audiovisual performance arts, Influx [Vídeo a Escena].
Antic Teatre opened their doors to us from the very first, making it clear once again that the organisation’s mission is not only to provide support to and create awareness of the most adventurous performance arts that emerge in the city, as proved by the many companies and artists who have performed on their stage, but also to do the same for audiovisual arts, as we ourselves can demonstrate. It is no coincidence, therefore, that in Antic Teatre we found the space to develop our activities, making Flux Club the only established video programme in the city for the past 10 years.
The uniqueness of Antic Teatre’s programme should by now be completely familiar to political decision-makers, whether the Generalitat’s Committee for Culture or the City Council Culture Administration, because there is nothing like it either in the city or in the rest of Catalonia. They are no doubt also aware of the specific need for cultural venues in the city centre, which is becoming more and more gentrified and geared towards tourism, and leaving ever fewer cultural activities available to its citizens, who have always been able to find shelter and stimulation at Antic Teatre.
We have, therefore, many reasons to demand that this cultural venue stays open and, at the same time, to enlist the help of all people, entities, and government bodies to help if they can. The entire population of Barcelona should celebrate and support Antic Teatre, and make sure it does not disappear.
We cannot lose Antic Teatre.
Barcelona, March 4, 2020
Habitual Video Team
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press release webpage 17.02.20 | ANTIC UNDER THREAT | Communiqués
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