Centro de Creación
We at Espacio Tangente would like to express our total support for Antic Teatre and our grave concerns in light of the threat of closure hanging over them because of the real estate speculation process that is attempting to end their lease.
We therefore demand that the public administrations provide a swift and supportive response in order to protect projects as vital as this, and that they take urgent measures to guarantee the continuation of the project and the tremendous work that Antic Teatre, a landmark cultural centre for the whole country, has undertaken since it first opened its doors.
Espacio Tangente Assembly,
Burgos, March 9, 2020
Go back to Support letters | See support letter pdf file
press release webpage 17.02.20 | ANTIC UNDER THREAT | Communiqués
#AlAnticNiTocarlo #AnticNoSeToca #anticteatrenoestoca #lanticteatrenoestoca #LAnticNoEsToca #SalvemlAntic #SocAntic #AnticTeatre #CulturaDeBaseBCN #gentrificaciocultural #salesenperill