Letter from La Puntual-Putxinel·lis de Barcelona in support of the Antic Teatre project, 27/04/2020

La Puntual-Putxinel·lis de Barcelona
Carrer d’Allada-Vermell 15
08003 de Barcelona

Letter of support for Antic Teatre

La Puntual would like to express our support for the Antic Teatre team, who have just celebrated a bittersweet 17
th anniversary. Last February, Antic Teatre notified their theatrical and cultural colleagues that they might have to close, as their rent was being increased by an exorbitant 500% (from 1,500€ to 7,500€ a month). We stand in solidarity with Antic Teatre as they face this precarious situation and we demand that the public administrations preserve Antic Teatre as a cultural and artistic project.

To reiterate, we at La Puntual demand that the public administrations preserve the cultural and artistic project that is Antic Teatre and keep it going.

Antic Teatre, we’re with you!


Néstor Navarro Salvany

Barcelona, April 27, 2020

Go back to Support letters  |  See support letter pdf file

press release webpage 17.02.20 | ANTIC UNDER THREAT | Communiqués


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