Centre de Cultura de Dones
Francesca Bonnemaison
We at Francesca Bonnemaison Women’s Cultural Centre would like to express our total support to our colleagues and neighbours at Antic Teatre.
In light of the continued threat posed by the exploitation of Barcelona for tourism, and the ongoing gentrification and precarisation of grassroots cultural projects, it is of the utmost importance that we defend the places where culture is a source of inspiration, community and social transformation.
For these reasons we add our voice to those defending these venues that belong to us, as women, artists, and neighbours.
Hands off Antic Teatre; hands off La Bonne!
Go back to Support letters | See support letter pdf file
press release webpage 17.02.20 | ANTIC UNDER THREAT | Communiqués
#AlAnticNiTocarlo #AnticNoSeToca #anticteatrenoestoca #lanticteatrenoestoca #LAnticNoEsToca #SalvemlAntic #SocAntic #AnticTeatre #CulturaDeBaseBCN #gentrificaciocultural #salesenperill