Letter from favb (Federació d’associacions de veïns i veïnes de Barcelona) in support of the Antic Teatre project, 3/03/2020

Federació d’associacions
de veïns i veïnes
de Barcelona


To whom it may concern,

We at FAVB support your demand for the survival of Antic Teatre.

We would like to add our voice to defend the places where culture is a source of inspiration, community and social transformation, from the speculative attacks that are seriously impoverishing our city.

The neighbourhoods and City of Barcelona cannot do without the cultural centres that make us stronger.


Joan Maria Soler
FAVB Project Coordinator

Barcelona, March 3rd of 2020

Go back to Support letters  |  See support letter pdf file

press release webpage 17.02.20 | ANTIC UNDER THREAT | Communiqués


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