This is the ninth edition of INFLUX festival [ video on stage ] that, once again, collaborates with Antic Teatre to promote artists who use video and digital media as an integral aspect of artistic expression in their stage proposals. The festival includes works by visual artists, musicians, poets, dancers, performers or theatrical creators who work in the in-between and hybrid spaces. INFLUX aims to provide visibility for local creators from Barcelona and Catalonia and wants to help display the diversity that exists in contemporary creation.
[November 7th at 8pm]
Maria Sevilla Paris
Ni cap visibilitat és vista
(Performative poetry | PREMIERE)
Audiovisual performative poetry piece on the gaze as promise and reproach; on the eye as the origin but also the vanishing point; and most of all on the art of words as the “function that makes the invisible visible”. (Laboria Cuboniks).
[+ info]
[November 8th at 8pm]
Roger Pelàez
Ejaculant diarrea
(Non-Euclidean domestic schizophrenias)
The show contains grunts, murmurs, tuts and blinks. It’s based on a neverending flow of supposedly sarcastic and introverted words over which layers of subjects and strata of argument are superimposed until the entire room is buried, and no one’s getting out without the efforts of a team of archaeologist-speleologists.
[+ info]
[November 9th at 8pm]
Hard Fork live AV (New technologies | performance | PREMIERE)
In a parallel dimension, a giant dam bursts and the outpouring of water destroys everything in its path, exposing roots and bare foundations. This could be a tragedy, but also the opportunity for a new start.
[+ info]
[November 10th at 8pm]
Núria Andorrà
Nu.A (interdisciplinary)
Nu.A is a show in which she divests herself of her instruments and reaches for day-to-day objects with the aim of revisiting her roots. Moving inwards to transmit outwards.
[+ info]
[November 13th at 8pm]
Bela, Laura B. Campos, Neus Martínez Farran
Fading memory / Memòria esvaïda
(music | image | performance | PREMIERE)
A recovery project that would like to bring to light those dark holes that appear in memory due to the passage of time, reproducing the fading and disintegration using evocative and experimental music, sound environments, images and videos to narrate a dreamlike and sensorial story that moves between beauty, nostalgia and unease.
[+ info]
[November 14th at 8pm]
Ginebra Raventós de Volart
Estampes del silenci, del vertigen, del membre fantasma, de l’èxtasi, de tu. (new technologies | performance | PREMIERE)
The poem consists of a series of scenes where Ginebra Raventós unfolds her poetic universe. The elements of the work are interwoven into an indivisible whole that crosses abysses and explores words, silence and voice as the ethereal limb that allows us to touch each other.
[+ info]
[November 15th at 8pm]
Gemma Abellán, Xavier Armiñana, Pere Norrès
Ritornello (video | music | PREMIERE in Barcelona)
A journey in sound. Images that speak, chimeric conversations, a character who disappears and another who waits for him, a trumpet, a sax, a voice, another trumpet and the idea that however far you look, there’ll always be limitless space beyond that. Ritornello is a little bit of that little bit that we are.
[+ info]
[November 17th at 8pm]]
Chien Bleu Mord le Vent (Leos Ator + Jean-Loup Faurat)
L’organisation de la chute / 1
(performance | PREMIERE)
Usually, the forward slash is a separating sign that constructs a hierarchy in (organises) information. The fall of a forward slash in the landscape is the reason for and the telling of a rupture, an intrusion in the natural order of things.
[+ info]
HABITUAL VIDEO TEAM is a non-profit association formed by Lis Costa and Josep M. Jordana, that has as its main objective the promotion of activities related to the visual arts, specifically, video art:
A fundamental area of their work is the organisation of festivals, cycles and video shows, such as the FLUX Video Auteur Festival:, and the INFLUX Audiovisual Performing Arts Festival:
Another area of Habitual Video Team’s activity is video documentation of cultural events mainly related to experimental music and poetry performances. In 2012 they launched the SUMMA project in order to convert this audiovisual heritage (more than 1000 recordings) into a non-profit online video archive: