The show contains grunts, murmurs, tuts and blinks. It’s based on a neverending flow of supposedly sarcastic and introverted words over which layers of subjects and strata of argument are superimposed until the entire room is buried, and no one’s getting out without the efforts of a team of archaeologist-speleologists. There’s Sufi dancing, Jlisti dancing, pseudoimmunotherapy, telekinesis, cheap magnetism and long-term divination.
Roger Pelàez has been performing at Antic Teatre the first Tuesday of every month for 5 years, with a trilogy dissecting the Catalan spirit of hypocrisy and the global spirit of Sunday driver know-it-allism. It’s as though he fell in a well full of juicy shit and has never been able to get out again. Fighting his own monsters, he has become his own monsters and he has beaten himself down. And now he lives on his knees. And he tells us what it’s like to live in captivity, enslaved, alienated and without any interesting subjects to talk about.
HABITUAL VIDEO TEAM is a non-profit association formed by Lis Costa and Josep M. Jordana, that has as its main objective the promotion of activities related to the visual arts, specifically, video art:
A fundamental area of their work is the organisation of festivals, cycles and video shows, such as the FLUX Video Auteur Festival:, and the INFLUX Audiovisual Performing Arts Festival:
Another area of Habitual Video Team’s activity is video documentation of cultural events mainly related to experimental music and poetry performances. In 2012 they launched the SUMMA project in order to convert this audiovisual heritage (more than 1000 recordings) into a non-profit online video archive: