The poem consists of a series of scenes where Ginebra Raventós unfolds her poetic universe. The elements of the work are interwoven into an indivisible whole that crosses abysses and explores words, silence and voice as the ethereal limb that allows us to touch each other. The poet combines transmedia languages using spoken or projected word, and interactive sound registers, acoustics and visuals.
In 2021 poet and sound artist Ginebra Raventós released the vinyl Saturn darrere nostre: el glaç, el got, el buit, l’acte verge, a spoken poem anthology exploring the destructive beauty of the planet Saturn and the hypothetical sound of the universe. Indefatigable explorer, she continues to delve into the sound and performance possibilities of poetry by means of actions, recitals, releases and installations that to a certain extent continue the course set by authors such as Brion Gysin, Henri Chopin and Bernard Heidsieck.
HABITUAL VIDEO TEAM is a non-profit association formed by Lis Costa and Josep M. Jordana, that has as its main objective the promotion of activities related to the visual arts, specifically, video art:
A fundamental area of their work is the organisation of festivals, cycles and video shows, such as the FLUX Video Auteur Festival:, and the INFLUX Audiovisual Performing Arts Festival:
Another area of Habitual Video Team’s activity is video documentation of cultural events mainly related to experimental music and poetry performances. In 2012 they launched the SUMMA project in order to convert this audiovisual heritage (more than 1000 recordings) into a non-profit online video archive: