This is the seventh edition of INFLUX festival [ video on stage ] that, once again, collaborates with Antic Teatre to promote artists who use video and digital media as an integral aspect of artistic expression in their stage proposals. The festival includes works by visual artists, musicians, poets, dancers, performers or theatrical creators who work in the in-between and hybrid spaces. INFLUX aims to provide visibility for local creators from Barcelona and Catalonia and wants to help display the diversity that exists in contemporary creation.
[November 26th at 8pm]
David Ymbernon
Coses i Latung La La
(Visual theatre / staged poetry / premiere)
A trunk, a universe, a cinema set, a film: a camera captures images in fixed shot and projects them onto a screen. A lorry, a thread… stretching objects and making them fly through the fixed shot, negligible, hyper-elastic things. A poetic animation film, “cooked” using live images.
[November 27th at 8pm]
Julián Pedraza
Sayonara Paranoias
(Happening / premiere)
Sayonara Paranoias is a show in which music, video and poetry intermingle to produce a “theatrical palindrome” where media and emitters overlap, disrupting the usual order of factors.
With a wink to ancient Kabuki Theatre (歌舞 伎), this multimedia piece moves between the informal and the solemn, the visible and the ethereal, the “prerecorded” and the “live”. A random drift of signs that recreate and parody our habitual ways of perceiving things.
[November 28th at 8pm]
Marc Caellas & David G. Torres
Suicide notes (Daft lecture)
(performative reading)
Suicide notes (Daft lecture) is the performative conference version of stage play Suicide notes, in which Marc Caellas and David G. Torres, its authors, explain the ins and outs of the project.
A project that brings onto the stage the subject of suicide, the taboo it represents, the extent to which it’s hidden in contrast to its importance and relevance, and the fact that it implies presenting the body in a definitive way, that is, making a decision about the end of one’s own life span.
[November 29th at 6,30pm]
nyamnyam (Iñaki Alvarez & Ariadna Rodríguez)
(performative screening / premiere)
Based on the body of work of Canvi d’aires (Premi Arts Visuals Casa Elizalde 2019), nyamnyam proposes a performative screening where the audiovisual material activates possible peripheral actions and installations. In this way, a window is opened to observe the length of a film that isn’t structured with a linear narrative, but rather invites each viewer to combine a multiplicity of stories and environments.
HABITUAL VIDEO TEAM is a non-profit association that has as its main objective the promotion of activities related to the visual arts, specifically, video art:
A fundamental area of their work is the organisation of festivals, cycles and video shows, such as the FLUX Video Auteur Festival:, and the INFLUX Audiovisual Performing Arts Festival:
Another area of Habitual Video Team’s activity is video documentation of cultural events mainly related to experimental music and poetry performances. In 2012 they launched the SUMMA project in order to convert this audiovisual heritage (more than 1000 recordings) into a non-profit online video archive: