First Tuesday of every month


Mandonguilles de frenillo

March 2nd
April 6th
May 4th
June 1st
July 6th
August 3rd
September 7th
October 5th
November 2nd
December 14th
February 2nd 2022

at 8 pm

Ejaculant Diarrea

April 5th
May 3rd
June 7th
July 5th
August 2nd
September 6th
October 4th
November 8th
December 13th

at 8 pm
Duration: 90 min
Tickets: 7,5 euros ONLINE & BOX OFFICE

Mandonguilles de Frenillo is a show performed and executed by Roger Pelàez.

Roger Pelàez has survived COVID, the EU, furloughing, and the UEFA and is back in great form to recount some of his consumptive pleonasms and picturesque axioms from the pound shop.

With Cristina Rigau on production.


Mandonguilles de Frenillo is the most pitiful show of the 21st century.
And it manages this without doing the only thing that all supposedly comic shows do: provoke PITY.
A lot of people want the 4D experience of entering the mind of a fool.
A lot of people like to spend a good time listening to insults being handed out right and left.
A lot of people, tired of constantly slipping on shit, want a shit Sat-Nav.
A lot of people want mass fascism to be psychoanalysed en masse.
A lot of people want to see a lot of people fall, never to rise again.
To all these people, we can do no better than to recommend the show: Mandonguilles de Frenillo.

Roger Pelàez has long looked forward to this moment when fools rule the earth because he’s a champion fool and is convinced that he’s going to score. He sings, he draws, he studies the Talmud and has published comic books in which he simplifies things to make life more manageable and digestible for people like him. Who have nothing, who are nothing, and who aspire to nothing.

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