February 8 to 11

Clara García Fraile

Love Stories Donation Desk

Installa- tion
Thursday 8 February - 5pm. to 9pm.
Friday 9 February - 5pm. to 9pm.
Saturday 10 February - 5pm. to 9pm.
Sunday 11 February - 5pm. to 9pm.
Duration: 4h/ day
Free entrance

Created and performed by: Clara García Fraile

With the collaboration of Giulia Passamont

With the support of DAS Theatre Amsterdam


Come with your lovers (fictitious or not) and donate your love story to our archive. It’s an easy, painless, anonymous gesture that can help save a person’s life. You can also request one if you need it…

The Love Stories Donation Desk transfers love stories from people who have them to people who need them for any poetic, bureaucratic, politic or heartfelt reasons – particularly to those who wish to marry in order to obtain EU asylum or work and residency permits but don’t really have a love story.

Registry offices around the world are already being infected with growing number of recycled stories: linear love narratives that can fit within a law in which the forests of the love we experience can never be contained.

Clara García Fraile has worked in a pen factory, at the Quadrophenia hotel and as live studio audience for TV quiz shows, among other places.
After graduating in Dance and Visual Art from Brighton (UK, 2008), she initiated Me and the Machine with Sam Pearson, a multidisciplinary performance group mainly working with the choreographic power of screens over bodies. Their works received prestigious awards and toured internationally (www.meandthemachine.co.uk).
In 2016 she enrolled in DAS Arts, Amsterdam.
Now she’s doing something completely different: trying to make the impossibilities she desires come true right here, right now, with a little help from her friends – if you like, I’d love to make the impossible come true with you, I mean, if you’re free…

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