Communiqué from Teatre Arnau Itinerant in support of the Antic Teatre project, 27/02/20


We support Antic Teatre’s struggle

L’Arnau is a unique theatre; a cultural project that, rooted in the various neighbourhood communities, goes much further than its performances and that stands for risk and the dignification of the sector. While it is unique, there are other projects in the city in which we see ourselves reflected, that we admire and that we need. One of these projects is Antic Teatre, a venue that supports grassroots culture and that holds a clear artistic and social function in Barcelona since 2003.

We have worked with Antic Teatre and its resident company, Semolina Tomic, within the framework of Espai 0, where we all t ook part in the round table debate on cultural policy, and management and direction models. On that occasion, we perceived the concern that the company and the theatre were feeling with regard to their viability and continuity. Now, the threat is real: the landlord of the building that houses the theatre is asking for a 500% rent increase. This situation, together with the fact that 60% of the theatre’s funding comes from their own income, means the project is teetering, and teetering along with it is a proposal with cultural, community and social values that are absolutely crucial in a city experiencing gentrification and damaged by real estate speculation.

We at L’Arnau itinerant take up our stand beside Antic Teatre’s struggle and we refuse to permit this venue being turned to any other use than theatre. Grassroots culture is being suffocated and we cannot permit that precariousness lay waste to independent projects that are innovation labs and crucial community meeting points. For this reason, we add our voices to the communiqué issued by El Collectiu de Companyies supporting the Antic Teatre project, and we urge you to add yours as well.

Arnau Itinerant

Go back to Communiqués  |  See Communiqué pdf file

press release webpage 17.02.20 | ANTIC UNDER THREAT | Suport letters


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