Directed by Marta Galán, the piece premiered as part of Antic Teatre’s programme within Festival Grec 2017, and went on to take part in the 3rd Forum of Applied Performance Arts (November 2017, Institut del Teatre, Barcelona) and the 10th Seminar on Social Inclusion and Education in Performance Arts (May 2018, Valle-Inclán Theatre – National Drama Centre, Madrid).
Antic Teatre’s community arts project, focused on senior local residents, provides a weekly three-hour session in which, using dance, text creation, action and performance, the potential for artistic creativity is made available to a sector of the population not usually considered for this kind of work, while at the same time encouraging social cohesion. The needs and forms of expression of the older generation in our neighbourhood, a sector threatened by gentrification, are brought to the fore. The project also includes activities aimed at promoting inter-generational communication between older and younger residents. The creative process leading to a new performance is currently under way, in collaboration with a group of senior citizens from Eindhoven (Teatre Parks).
Marta Galán is an artist and educator, author and director of performance projects since 1999. In 2009 she started up TRANSlab, through which she co-ordinates a range of teaching and collective community creation projects using performance arts.
>>> Watch Antic Teatre’s community arts project with LOCAL RESIDENTS. La Bellesa (FULL SHOW)
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