Why is virtuosity so attractive? There are things that can only be achieved with the so-called culture of effort, but that culture only benefits a few because meritocracy is a swindle. Chopin was a composer who revolutionised piano technique. For some, he is an exponent of true virtuosity. But some of his compositions are mind-blowing examples of the design of marvellous architectural structures. To try to reveal the mysterious beauty that lies behind them using immaterial elements such as sound or light would be too pretentious, but we’re going to play at that with the first of his Etudes, as if we were taking free kicks, knowing that we’ll lose the game and that’s fine.
Rubén Ramos Nogueira moves between live arts, writing and music. Illuminator Antoine Forgeron accompanies him in this and other works such as Can 60, a 20-hour performance in collaboration with Aris Spentsas that premiered in November at La Mutant in Valencia, and the Amateur trilogy, a series of pecies in a format halfway between performance and concert that champion everyday artistic practice by non-professionals. Together they have performed at venues such as Espai nyamnyam, Antic Teatre, Festival TNT, Festival Sâlmon, Teatros del Canal, Arts Santa Mònica, Estruch of Sabadell, Teatro Pradillo, Box Levante and Teatro Ensalle.