A study published in 2017 showed that the heartbeats of an audience watching a play become synchronised. The theatre transforms us into a superorganism made up of unique and essential individuals, connected below the surface. The theatrical essay El plural d’arbre és nosaltres (The plural of tree is us) is an approximation that seeks to explore what ‘us’ means and the nature of the link that connects us, with sound as a hypothesis.
La Tangenta is a framework born from the desire to enable contact between living arts, creation and thought. Its main impulse is the need to generate research contexts in a space of enjoyment, thoroughness and disruptive learning, connection between different universes, and revaluation of diverse knowledge. We are interested in de-hierarchising both the creative space and the creative process, understanding care as the pillar structuring work shared with people and other forms of sensitive life. In our first project, El plural d’arbre és nosaltres, we inhabit the question “what does us mean?”, while questioning the very mechanisms of theatricality.
The eighth edition of KONVENT A L’ANTIC: a once-a-year chance to see, in Barcelona, the creations of resident artists at Konvent de Cal Rosal, a former convent of the late 19th century converted into a multidisciplinary and selfmanaged artistic centre.
For the 2023 season, Konvent provided residencies to creators from specific fields working on specific themes, with the aim of delving deeper into the subjects, disciplines and contexts we believe require special attention in the times we’re living in.
So, for this year’s edition of Konvent a l’Antic we have selected proposals that move us personally and that represent the diversity that exists within artistic creation and our society, highlighting both historically sidelined collectives and currently relevant themes.
Just like Antic Teatre, Konvent is a cultural agitator: a space for the arts and, at the same time, a way of practicing and understanding local culture. The continuous tracking and observation of the artistic environment, empowerment and providing visibility are some of the self-imposed duties of both establishments. The Antic Teatre-Konvent combo has produced many wide-ranging projects, such as Rebota rebota y en tu cara explota, by Agnés Mateus and Quim Tarrida, which won the Premio de la Crítica Nuevas Tendencias 2017, Premio FAD Sebastià Gasch Aplauso 2018 and Premio Butaca 2018 Nuevas Aportaciones Escénicas.