FLAMANTE is a musical and sound experimentation project about flamenco music. Live improvisation (body-sound) is used to analyse and re-examine traditional folk practices. This re-examination is carried out mainly through the introduction of new audiovisual techniques such as sampling, appropriation and glitch. Theory of the flamenco is a new piece that delves into the flamenco styles of cante libre and plain cante. A selection of these is decodified from an ambient and rhythmic perspective bordering on electronica. For the occasion, a local dancer will provide accompaniment.
Derek Van Den Bulcke (Lorca, Murcia, 1991). Having completed his studies at universities in Murcia, Bilbao, Carrara (Italy), São Paulo and New York, he settled in Granada and began to develop a career as an independent artist. He joined creative studio EL RAPTO and, both collectively and on his own, began to make his presence felt at all the major Andalusian and national art venues (Prado Museum, C3A, Fine Arts Faculty, Cines del Sur Festival, FIJR, AlRAso, Arrabal Gallery, Granada Fine Arts Museum, Centro José Guerrero, CAC Malaga and the Convent of Santa María in Coín). At the same time, his work as DJ and musical producer has taken him to venues, festivals and events all over the Iberian Peninsula.
Sixth edition of KONVENT A L’ANTIC: the once-yearly chance to see, in Barcelona, work by artists living at Konvent de Cal Rosal, a former, late 19th century convent that has become a multidisciplinary and self-managed arts centre.
Just like Antic Teatre itself, Konvent is a cultural disrupter: a space for art, but at the same time a way of creating and understanding culture within a geographical context. Both spaces are dedicated to the constant tracking and observation of the arts scene, as well as fostering and promoting new work. The Antic Teatre/Konvent combo has been the instigator of many well-travelled shows such as Rebota rebota y en tu cara explota, by Agnés Mateus and Quim Tarrida, winner of the Crítica Noves Tendències 2017, FAD Sebastià Gasch Aplaudiment 2018, and Butaca 2018 Noves Aportacions Escèniques awards.