CoCo Journey is a show consisting of a one-man musical performance and a screened video. The interaction between the music and the video is constant; the music accompanies the image and vice-versa.
CoCo Journey invites reflection on the strangeness of journeys during the pandemic. Trains with no passengers, empty airports, the feeling of being a deserter in almost-empty planes. And, suddenly, to be on the move once again surrounded by crowds of people. On the other hand, the solitude of nature, of the countryside in its natural state, empty, almost desolate.
Barcelona-Brussels, 2021
Barcelona. Pianist, improviser, composer, conductor for improvisation orchestras, sound artist, painter and photographer. 22 records, 150 works. From classical and jazz to improvisation, experimental and performance. He studied at the Swiss Jazz School, Hochschule für Musik und Theater (Bern, Switzerland), and at the Europäische Kunstakademie Trier in Germany. He has attended seminaries by Helmut Lachenmann, Ivan Fedele and Walter Zimmermann, and improvisation workshops with Borah Bergman, NY. He has played with Hans Koch, Joachim Kühn, Franz Hautzinger, Carlos Zingaro, Ramón López and many others.