Atàvic is the completely programmed life that took place inside factories, around the textile colonies where we grew up. And, at the same time, it becomes a staged game through which we recover our collective memory by unexpected means: texts by Miquel Martí Pol, spoken word by Gerard Vilardaga, Iris Hinojosa’s movement and traditional roots music from Javier Olaizola.
Gerard Vilardaga and Iris Hinojosa are a creative duo who develop experimental shows in which improvisation is key. These include La perfecció és feixista and DO, both performed at Antic Teatre in 2016 and 2017. In 2017 they won the Ciudadela Pocket Theatre award for their piece El lladruc on the subject of power relations.
Javier Olaizola is a musician and sculptor specialising in land art who lives in Catalonia. He is an expert Txalaparta player and has performed many concerts in live collaboration with various theatrical companies.