October 25 & 26


Cartografías Derivadas

New techno- logies
Thursday, October 25 at 8pm
Friday, October 26 at 8pm
Duration: 45 min
Tickets: 10 euros ONLINE // 12 euros BOX OFFICE

Performance, dance, and new technologies

Devised and performed by: Helena and Julia Martos
Artistic consultant: Quim Bigas Bassart
Lighting design: Ángela López

Artistic Residencies: L’Estruch Fàbrica de Creaciò de les Arts in Viu, Sabadell; CAS Sevilla; La Caldera, Barcelona; C3A, Córdoba.

Support: INJUVE Grants for Creation, Spain.


INSTAGRAM: lajuli_ #cartografíasderivadas #helenayjuliamartos

How to create a common score?
Derived Cartographies is a collaboration between a dancer and a video artist that investigates the different ways in which body and camera can compose a dialogue on stage. Starting from the premise that the body in movement generates an infinity of images whereas film is fixed and permanent, our aim is to transpose both qualities, providing the body with solidity and making the images capable of digression and transformation.

Helena Martos is a dancer and choreographer based between Portugal and Spain, who is also a member of the This Takes Time collective. Julia Martos is a video artist and coordinator for experimental film collective SCC. They have worked together since 2013, investigating where choreographic and cinematographic languages meet using different formats such as video-dance, installation and performance. In 2015 they received an INJUVE grant for the creation of Derived Cartographies, their first stage project, which premiered at the Mes de Danza de Sevilla, October 2017.

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