Hacer Historia(s) vol IV
November 14, 2021



Hacer Histo- ria(s) vol IV
Sunday, November 14th at 12:30 pm
Duration: 90 min
Tickets: Free entrace with reservation here


A device allowing us to address a range of themes related to the cycle, on this occasion linked to magic and spirituality, creating the possibility of conducting interviews, fielding debates and proposing practices that extend beyond the mic. Including an aperitif, Radio Invisible at Antic Teatre will be hosted by Cris Celada, a creator who used to be part of Artas and had a close relationship with La Poderosa: we can’t imagine a better closure, among friends.

Was born and lived in Madrid from where she undertook university studies in Special Education Teaching while training in Dramatic Arts: textual performance, movement, clown, oral narrative and dubbing. In 2005 she moved to Barcelona where she began to develop her own theatrical activities, combining contemporary-style creations with cabaret and café-théâtre shows. In Barcelona she found a place where performance disciplines intermingle without too much contradiction and, perhaps because of that, Barcelona is still her home.

As an artist, her interest lies in blurring the lines of what we call theatricality: what elements are necessary for something to be theatrical, what can we do without? She loves the overlay of seemingly opposed materials: what will such cocktails generate? She also works with the idea of mixing high and low culture, pop and philosophy, cabaret and contemporary forms of theatrical expression. And extending beyond the stage, taking theatre out of the theatre.

Hacer Historia(s) vol IV

This new volume of Hh (s) continues to position the body as the medium for the unpredictable desires, memories and rituals that connect us to the present. For this, Volume 4, we’ll be practicing divination with astrological devices as we search for answers from beyond and investigate the quantic possibilities of the event; we’ll make matter vibrate and establish a dialogue with a range of visible, subtle and even invisible bodies. Hh (s) invokes artistic practices that, by insistently perforating reality, will open new spaces where we can breathe and see beyond what we are being shown. The artists taking part relate to somatic, energetic, traditional and spiritual practices on a daily basis; practices that allow us to penetrate the internal processes that affect our social, cultural and temporal perceptions of the world and connect with the capacity for contemporary creation to discover other poesies, other ways of relating to each other and other performativities. The Historie (s) we’ll experience and with which we’ll cross the breach towards new realities will bring into play the strategies of magic, mystery and intuition, will exist in constant uncertainty and will juggle new possibilities of being.

This 4th edition will add to the well-established elements of this cycle – archive, memory and community – new ways of seeing and new perspectives such as beliefs, spirituality and other contemporary magicks.

La Poderosa is a space for creation, research and cultural agitation.

La Poderosa is a space that supports creation, embraces the new and is both container and support for the established. A space like a fertile womb that empowers research projects about languages of the body. A space for the closeness and proximity that encourages relations between artist and audience, that curates and creates exhibitions specifically for individual and collaborative practices. A space that contains the growing, the fattening and the eating in which to share everything that seems impossible in other places and contexts. A space that practices resistance through the continuous questioning of the emotional, social, political and cultural situation that surrounds it, trying to generate new work methodologies that foster empathy and awareness of the current realities and needs of artists, audiences and the community in general.

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