In the sequence of the measures approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya derived from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, Antic Teatre – Espai de Creació postpone Unheimlich until new warning.
Unheimlich wants to be a review of our behaviour as spectators when looking at nudes exhibited in art museums and galleries.
Using 4 performers with 4 divergent corporalities, the backbone of the piece looks at how they are objectified as artistic objects, objects of desire, and observed subjects. As they present their bodies to aesthetic taste, to the eye of the beholder, we question what happens to ethics and privacy in artistic representations of the female nude, and what makes art sublimate and transcend when this does not occur in everyday, normal situations.
Cia Pelipolaca was created in 2016 by Néstor Reina and Irene Vicente, respectively fashion stylist and director and dramaturg. They presented their first show, Autònoma, which deals with the issue of precariousness in Performing Arts and the emerging scene, under the umbrella of Can Felipa, premiering there and subsequently showing at Antic Teatre.
For their next show, Unheimlich, Irene Vicente directs four actresses: Gal·la Sabaté, Rut Girona, Núria Corominas and Belen Bouso. The show received support from Escena Poblenou (Embrions), the Kinetics grant from CC Parque Sandaru, and the DespertaLab grant from Nau Ivanow and Sala Atrium. It has been presented in Vic, TNT Festival, Sala Atrium and Casa Elizalde.
At present, Irene Vicente is preparing Nunc Est Edere with Carmen Salinas (dramaturgist), Gal·la Sabaté (actress) and Carlota Grau (dancer) under the umbrella of Nau Ivanow and the Teatropuerto festival (Chile).