A piece of research that, using various studies on independent movement and discourse, speculates on the in-person work of performers, casts doubts on the meaning of the stage, rejects selfportraiture and avoids the idea of spectacle. The discourse that’s put forward from the body and the word focuses on the uniqueness of in-person stage work of performers and artists, reasoning and acting on the idea that we shouldn’t or we can’t share our contemporary present, only an extemporaneous reality. This extemporaneity, this out-of-place place, is the concept and the field of action where performers show the impossibility of escaping history because what they’re doing is also history.
Carmelo Salazar Hernández, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Choreographer, live arts curator, performer and teacher. He lived and worked in Barcelona from 1989 to 2020 and currently lives in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. A choreographer since 1992, from that date onwards he has carried out a large number of projects, mainly focused on the investigation and revolution of dance. For over 15 years he has been codirector of La Porta, where his curatorships have earned him, among others, the National Dance Award and the Barcelona City Award. He also codirected the three editions of the LP dance festival and is cofounder of Teatron, an online live arts community. Since 2001 he has been engaged in intensive teaching research and working with writing tools and creation practices, imparting classes and workshops in a range of academic contexts both nationally and internationally. He has created several videodance and videoart works. At present he combines his choreographic work with teaching and making studio films. His latest works are Fin del mundo B, presented at the Barcelona SÂLMON festival (2019) and Non show work in minimal ground, shown at the MACBA, Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (2020).
Beatriz Fernández, Ponferrada, Barcelona. Dancer, choreographer, researcher and curator. She is cofounder of the Las Santas collective, was a member of Artas and is joint artistic director of La Poderosa, a centre for dance creation and research in Barcelona. She holds a degree in Contemporary Dance and Choreography from Barcelona’s Institut del Teatre, and continued her studies at the Center for Movement Research (New York). She worked as a performer for Danat Dansa and has collaborated closely with choreographer Carmelo Salazar on numerous pieces such as Europa no es una puta and El salón dorado. Her own work includes solos Escorzo and I have a dream, and Cuerpo en escena, a collaboration with Olga Mesa. In 2008 she developed a project based on the figure of the performer as a live memory and archive, which unfolded in two different formats: audiovisual document Els que es veuen entre si and a performance piece, Tres personas, todos los cuerpos. She also worked on Muy experimental, a research project that led to performance piece este lugar entre. For the past 8 years she has been running body research labs directed at students and professional dancers interested in constructing the presence of the performer in real time.
>>> Watch TENGO UN PROBLEMA CONTEMPORÁNEO de Carmelo Salazar i Bea Fernández (FULL PLAY)
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