Project Seleccted:
Bodily portraits of Minor Characters de Dones BEAT + info | download pdf |
La Bonne and Antic Teatre are making a joint open call in support of creation, exposure and development in performance arts.
Alliances between venues powered by grassroots culture are always necessary, but it is particularly in times of upheaval that they become vital.
We at Antic Teatre and La Bonne are well aware of this, which is why we are thrilled, once again, to join forces with our local community and plan the call-out for this year’s performance residencies. This is the third year of Antic Teatre’s involvement, as part of our aim to continue to assist creators in gaining access to spaces in which to work, rehearse and perform.
Information on the call-out here – applications deadline January 17, 2021
Contemporary theatre or multidisciplinary projects, headed by women, that:
- Have their own financing.
- Are in the final stages of creation.
- Take risks and show innovation in the investigation and development of new performance languages, new dramaturgy (original or adaptations) or group creations.
- Include a feminist perspective throughout.
- 4 weeks artistic and rehearsal residency at La Bonne, in an open, pleasant space, half days Monday to Friday (10am to 3pm or 3pm to 8pm). Times to be negotiated depending on the company’s requirements and availability in the venue.
- Access to a meeting room and coworking table (CowBonne) for production purposes.
- Support and publicity for the project.
- Possibility of using the sound and recording studio.
- 1 week’s technical residency (Monday to Thursday afternoons) with exhibition (Thursday to Sunday) at Antic Teatre Espai de Creació.
- Technical support for setting up and striking the show, to a maximum of 10 hours labour throughout the week.
- 80% of net Box Office takings (VAT not included). Said takings depend on occupancy, which, at present, is itself dependent on Procicat (Catalan Territorial Civil Protection Plan).
- Coproduction budget of 2,000 euros plus VAT.
- Call-out: December 9, 2020 to January 17, 2021.
- Public announcement of winning project: February 11, 2021.
- Artistic and rehearsal residency at La Bonne: between March and April, precise dates to be agreed with the company.
- Technical residency and exhibition at Antic Teatre: May 3 to 9, 2021.
Interested companies must submit a report describing their artistic project to
The report must include the following information:
- Synopsis
- Staging
- Feminist perspective
- Brief CVs for all members
- Specific requirements for rehearsal space
- Production plan
- Provisional tech rider
- Other elements to consider: (links to the neighbourhood and/or community, possible alternative dates, audiovisual material….)
- The selection process will be undertaken by a committee consisting of La Bonne’s coordinator, Antic Teatre’s artistic director and someone with links to performance arts with a feminist perspective. Companies will need to adapt to Antic Teatre’s technical conditions.
- The project submitted must have a feminist perspective.
- Points are awarded to projects showing evidence of social commitment.
- Points are awarded to teams that include migrants.
- Points are awarded to teams that include differently abled members.
- The selected company must sign a contract with La Bonne and Antic Teatre before commencing the residency. | download pdf |