Comunicat de L’ATENEU POPULAR 9 BARRIS in support of the Antic Teatre project, 14/02/20


Given the cultural erosion currently being experienced by the city of Barcelona, orchestrated by real estate speculation and excessive tourism development, we cannnot understand why the authorities continue to ignore the cries for help made by the many cultural projects currently at risk, after so many have already disappeared….
Given that the authorities have surrendered their power to investment interests, resulting in self-imposed institutional limits that prevent direct intervention in matters as structurally important as rent regulation…
Given this accumulation of impotence and weariness in light of the endless conditions, the meagre subsidies that maintain precarity and the deafness of the city council…
L’Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris would like to raise its voice to support all projects, venues and persons who, on a daily basis, labour on, sow, and fertilise the cultural fabric of the city with their efforts while living with the uncertainty of a future for their work.
L’Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris, as a Creation Factory itself, rather than becoming another screen with which to hide such insecurities, wants to act as a loudspeaker to denounce them. We understand that the privileged position we hold in the city is a result of the voices raised by a restless and militant citizenship.
All our support in their struggle to remain and not disappear goes out to:
Antic Teatre – La Poderosa – La Vilella – Capitol – Say it Loud – Nau Bostik – La Bonne…

To name but a few… the list is as long as it is diverse; as varied and numerous as the cultural fabric of this city.

Circus Committee
Ateneu Popular 9 Barris

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