Antic Teatre turns 20 this year and is celebrating with a historic piece of news.
Early this year, the Barcelona City Council announced that it was purchasing part of the building, which will guarantee Antic Teatre’s continued existence at the unique venue on Verdaguer i Callís street. After two decades fighting for its survival, Antic is here to stay.
We’re celebrating with a party and toast in the garden and terrace to which everyone is invited, and a surprise performance in the theatre. Roger Pelàez as MC will be joined by historic and legendary Antic Teatre artists: Agnès Mateus, Quim Tarrida, Juan Navarro, Semolina Tomic, Verónica Navas and Esmeralda Colette.
Like every year, we’re celebrating in good company. OFF Sant Jordi opens in the beer garden/terrace and comes to a close in the auditorium alongside our friends and collaborators from bookshops Calders and On The Road, and l’Horiginal. There’ll be new and second-hand books on sale, and author signings – including from Antic’s own ‘grannies’, who’ll be signing copies of the recently published Deixar de prendre 4 pastilles (Neret edicions), which tells the story of Antic Teatre’s Community Arts Project over the past ten years.
Entrance to all the events is free to maximum capacity.
Activities commemorating 20 years of Antic Teatre:
11:30 am Toast to Antic Teatre’s 20 years.
12pm Performance by Roger Pelàez with Agnès Mateus, Quim Tarrida, Juan Navarro, Semolina Tomic, Verónica Navas and Esmeralda Colette.
Free entry with reservation here.
OFF Sant Jordi activities in collaboration with Calders and On The Road bookshops:
In the beer garden and on the terrace:
11am to 6pm: book stalls.
11am to 2pm and 4pm to 6pm: book signings by authors.
In the theatre:
7pm Poetry recital orchestrated by l’Horiginal.
Free entry with reservation here.