Co-production 2014

Vera Garat / Tamara Gómez / Lucía Valeta


Duration: 50 min

Direcció: Vera Garat, Tamara Gómez, Lucía Valeta
A escena: Amaranta Velarde (artista convidada), Vera Garat, Tamara Gómez
Disseny de llum: Santiago Rodríguez Tricot
Disseny de so: Gonzalo Deniz
Assistència en vestuari: Carolina Guerra
Imatge i fotografia: Nacho Correa 

Amb el suport de l’Antic Teatre i La Poderosa, espai per a la dansa i el seus contaminants

Projecte allotjat per Taller Casarrodante, centre pel creixement i l’expansió de la dansa contemporània i les arts del moviment, acollint artistes amb el seus projectes, investigacions i creacions

Desde is the result of a performance investigation by Vera Garat, Tamara Gómez, Lucía Valeta, Gonzalo Deniz and Santiago Rodríguez Tricot that began in 2012 by looking at the following questions: When does a physical condition become a natural state? What happens when states become constant?

We took the idea of constant states to mean a search where the body remains and enters into a specific phenomenological physicality.

Desde is an aesthetic proposal in which corporeality becomes evident through its constancy in space and time, moving into potential worlds beyond physicality.

Vera Garat is a choreographer, teacher and performer of contemporary dance. She co-directs the Artists in Residence Programme PAR. She studied Plastic and Visual Arts at IENBA, Udelar. She forms part of research group GIPACEE, IENBA-UDELAR and has received the FEFCA grant for creation from MEC.

Tamara Gómez holds a degree in Dance from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Arnhem, the Netherlands. She is a dancer and creator of contemporary dance. As a post-graduate she studied Specialisation in Contemporary Dance Trends at IUNA, Buenos Aires, Argentina and Cultural Management at Udelar, Uruguay. She co-directs the Artists in Residence Programme PAR.


>>> Watch Vera Garat / Tamara Gómez / Lucía Valeta DESDE (full show)

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