Idea and performance: Txalo Toloza-Fernández, Laida Azkona Goñi
Dramaturgy: Txalo Toloza-Fernández
Choreography: Laida Azkona Goñi
Soundtrack and sound space: Juan Cristóbal Saavedra
Audiovisual production: MiPrimerDrop
Set design: Juliana Acevedo i MiPrimerDrop
Light design: Ana Rovira
Producers: Festival TNT, Antic Teatre, Azkona-Toloza
With the support of Institut Ramon Llull
What links Benetton to Argentina’s president Macri, to Stallone and to the Mapuche clan of Curiñanco-Nahuelquir?
The answer lies thousands of miles away from the USA and Europe. Here, in the southern south, in America’s austral limits, in the most uninhabited region of Argentina. Here, among crystalline lakes and massive snow-covered peaks, between the Andes and the Atlantic ocean. In Puelmapu.
Splitting their time between Barcelona, Pamplona and the Atacama Desert, Azkona&Toloza are a pair of artists devoted to the creation of live arts projects. Established as a company in 2015, they are Navarran choreographer Laida Azkona and Atacaman videoartist Txalo Toloza-Fernández. They have focused their work on the use of contemporary artistic languages as a useful tool for documentary research.
Admirers of the performance possibilities of My First Sony, in addition to developing their projects either together or on their own Azkona & Toloza have worked, among others, alongside perfomer Sònia Gómez, performance director Roger Bernat and Mexican documentary theatre company Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol.
They are currently constructing three-part documentary Pacífico on the links between new forms of capitalism, atrocities committed against the land and people of Latin America, and the development of contemporary culture.
>>> Watch AZKONA&TOLOZA Ollas Comunes – second version of Terres del Sud (FULL SHOW)
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