February 25-28 & March 4-6, 2021

Søren Evinson

Just Desire

Mercat de les Flors - Sala Pina Bausch,
9th edition SÂLMON< festival

Thursday, February 25th at 8 pm
Friday, February 26th at 8 pm
Saturday, February 27th at 8 pm
Sunday, February 28th at 8 pm

Thursday, March 4th at 8 pm
Friday, March 5th at 8 pm
Saturday, March at 8 pm
Duration: 70 min
Tickets: 12 euros ONLINE // 15 euros TAQUILLA

Please be aware that if you think you may be returning home between 10 and 11pm at night, you need to be in possession of an own-responsibility certificate before coming to Antic Teatre. You can obtain one through the following link: https://certificatdes.confinapp.cat/#/

Concept, texts, interpretation: Søren Evinson

Dramaturgy: Florine Lindner

Music: TRIIM and Dani Papell

Lighting desing: Julia Bauer

Costume design: Samara Scott

Image: James Trimmer

Production: Kens Rodríguez Kuhn

Just Desire is a co-production of Antic Teatre, Le Phénix (Valenciennes) and Dansa Quinzena Metropolitana de Barcelona.

With the support in residency of El Graner-Mercat de les Flors, Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte and Espace Pasolini (Valenciennes)



This piece is staged as part of:

dansa. Quincena metropolitana

SÂLMON< Festival

Smooth, shiny and seamless, Just Desire is like the finishing touches on the most inspiring consumer goods of our time. Like a high-end phone, a luxury perfume or the fastest car in the world – the Tesla Roadster – the performance offers itself as the object of our desire.

Just Desire is a solo that provides us with an array of delusional fantasies surrounding the idea of evil, identity, consumerism, sex, love and death, all of these in relation to desire. The fluid and relentless interaction between materials and performer creates a landscape that draws from mainstream imaginaries but that gets into places that are unfathomable. In this limitless cascade of action, singing and words, the performance speculates on something beyond both the idea of self and the disenfranchised idea of collectivity.

Søren Evinson studied at Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and completed his MA in Performance Studies at University of London with Distinction. He lived in London for 6 years developing his performance practice primarily in collaboration with artists such as Oreet Ashery and Karen Christopher. In his first work, Homage to the Idiot (2014), he collaborates with Bernat de Gispert, a mentally and physically disabled performer. From his collaboration with visual artist Charlie Hope resulted in two works: Hello World!!! (2015) and ATOEWEFTR (A Tower Of Emotions Will Emerge From This Room) (2016). A Nation Is Born In Me (2018) is his first solo. It opened at the TNT Festival of Terrassa and has been presented at the Centre National de la Danse of Paris, Next Festival and Festival GREC of Barcelona among others. Just Desire is a co-production of Antic Teatre and Le Phénix Valenciennes.

Søren Evinson works with body, word, singing and objects to build performances that reflect on the idealization of contemporary culture. He draws from motifs and imaginaries from contemporary life and consumer society. He filters Performance Art through the theatrical with the aim of generating new fantasies of the spectacular. The works are intense, exuberant, complex, delusional and in constant negotiation with reality.

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