Cremen mars estranys. Pacífico #3 (Strange Seas on Fire) begins to unfold at a concrete geographic point, at 23°26’15” South of latitude and 70°25’42” West of longitude on the imaginary line drawn by the Tropic of Capricorn across the Atacama Desert between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountain range. From these coordinates it sets out to investigate the relationship between the desert and the bodies that inhabit it.
Bodies that, blinded by the sun, cannot trace out a route, deafened by the incessant blows of the wind, cannot find North, broken by the 30 degree difference between day and night, cannot advance more than three paces without halting. Bodies knocked out by the lack of oxygen. Bodies that, despite all this, are still standing. Possible bodies. Bodies that arrange to meet in a desert as immense as the barbarities that have been committed in it, and for it.
Extraños mares arden delves like a documentary into the relationship between these bodies and four industries that were pillars of the 20th Century: mining, finance, arms and contemporary art.
Txalo Toloza-Fernández is a performer, video artist and stage director. Born in Chile, he lives in Barcelona since 1997. He is a collaborator of performer Sònia Gómez and since 2007 is a member of the company FFF leaded by stage director Roger Bernat.