Antic Production 2015

Carla Rovira

Most of all you have to hide it from the chicks

On tour:

Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th January
- Corral de Comedias - Alcalá de Henares

Saturday 6th May
- Teatre Principal - Olot
Duration: 50 min.

Mrs. Robinson: Carla Rovira Pitarch
Group of rebellious chickens: unknown
Original idea: Carla Rovira Pitarch
Audio-­‐visual producer: Erol Ileri i Marina Rojo
Costume design: Cris Ayala
Educational counselling: Glòria Jové i Mireia Farrero
Production: Mònica Pérez
Management: Semolinika Tomic
Road Manager: Lídia Figuera

Laboratory of Creation Fira Tarrega 2015
An Antic Teatre and Fira Tarrega production
With the support of the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
In collaboration with the Granollers Auditorium Theatre and Centre Cívic Convent de St. Augustí (Barcelona)


  • Full video  *(ask for the password to:



Have you ever turned to see the audience’s face while you were watching a play?

Most of all you’ve got to hide it from the chicks wants you to contact with your own artistic experience. Based on the question: what do children want and go through when they go to theatre, Mrs. Robinson and the Group of Rebel Chickens have been working to help you learn to help yourself in understanding this journey. This chicks have come to break the status quo in art, so that artists and adults start shuting up and listen.

Through different workshops with different Groups of Rebel Chickens we’ve created this theatrical experience, hoping to enlarge our Chicken Coop.

Shut your beak, close your eyes, let yourself go and over all, don’t try to hide it from the chicks… they already know.

Carla Rovira Pitarch
BFA in Acting by the Institut del Teatre and Degree in Social Working by Universitat de Girona. She works in theatre and teaching and social working as well. Interested in searching codes that put the audience in the center of the artistic experience and breaking the rules of the obedient spectator hidden behind the darkness of the theatre to see what new relationships can stablish theatre. As an actor has performed in LAVA from Studio Orka and Teatre Lliure, Feísima Enfermedad y muy triste muerte de la Reina Isabel I from La Calorica or Está Linda la Mar from La Pulpe Teatro. Member of LAminimAL Teatre from its beginning in 2010, she has performed in La Grandesa d’Ésser un entre Tants, Fer Sonar una flor 1: El Suïcidi de l’Elefant Hipotecat and Fer Sonar una flor 2: La Supervivència de les Lluernes. As an Assistant Director she has worked in Vaques Sagrades from Taaroa Teatre and Close Encounters of the Different Kind from Stereo Akt.


>>> Watch Carla Rovira – Most of all you have to hide it from the chicks  (FULL SHOW)

>>> Watch Carla Rovira – Most of all you have to hide it from the chicks (FULL SHOW) – ENGLISH VERSION

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