PIEZA SIN MÍ (PIECE WITHOUT ME) is a kaleidoscopic, plastic, mysterious and circular piece. It functions as a microcosm of quotations, fragments, references and self-references that make up the map – always in process – of a perplexed identity, dispersed, in transit, in decomposition. In a vertiginous juxtaposition of signs – images, bodies, actions, words – this tragedy, traversed by a disconcerting humour, poses an unresolved question as if it were the investigation of the scene of a crime: without my body, without my objects, without my own images, without the known setting, without time, without voice… What is left?
Constanza Brnčić. Dancer and choreographer. PhD in philosophy. She combines her artistic work with research in the field of dance and the living arts, with a special interest in the relationship between artistic practices and the contexts in which they are developed. She has carried out numerous projects, including community project pi(è)ce (2011_2022), recent stage work Registres Evanescents (Auditori 2023) and research project Prácticas laterales. She teaches composition, improvisation and movement techniques at the Conservatori Superior de Dansa (CSD/ Institut del Teatre de Barcelona) and is director of the postgraduate course in Living Arts and Contexts at the Institut del Teatre, as well as lecturer on the postgraduate course in performing arts and social action at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
WORDS AND VISIBILITY – Parallel activities around Constanza Brnčić‘s PIEZA SIN MÍ
ANTIC TEATRE, 10 to 20 October 2024.
In the framework of PIEZA SIN MÍ presentations at Antic Teatre in Barcelona, we have organised a small cycle of parallel activities around the relationship between Word and Visibility, a relationship that is the backbone of the development of this work. Can words become a poetic witness of that which we do not see? Can the visible be hidden through words? What relationships from slavery to freedom are at play between language and visibility in performing arts? Can one have images without seeing them? Can one see images without words?
- Monday 7/10/24 >
5pm to 8pm (activity outside Antic Teatre) > workshop-performance at La Capella with Constanza Brnčić, Magdalena Garzón and the research group with people with visual diversity as part of the activities of the “Cinema Cec” cycle coordinated by Marta Azparren. Open workshop with prior registration at: lacapella@bcn.cat
- Friday 11/10/2024 >
Post-show talk with Bàrbara Raubert, Albert Tola and Jordi Alomar.
Albert Tola is a playwright, writer, poet and translator.
Jordi Alomar is a musicologist, musician and cultural manager, currently director of the Museu de la Música de Barcelona.
Bàrbara Raubert is an art historian, dance critic, curator and teacher at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
- Friday 18/10/2024 >
Post-show talk with Roberto Fratini and Constanza Brnčić.
Roberto Fratini is a dramatist and professor of dance theory.
- Saturday 19/10/2024 >
4pm to 6pm: Open workshop to all those interested in learning more about Constanza Brnčić’s work and the audio-description practice used in the show. With the participation of the research group on audio-description that includes persons with visual diversity, coordinated by Magdalena Garzón, and accompanied by Beatriz González Magadán, assistant director. Free admission with prior registration by email: produccion.constanzabrncic@gmail.com
8pm: Special performance with audio description.
9pm: Discussion with Mauricio Sierra, Magdalena Garzón, Fortià Prat Planas, Marta Azparren i Constanza Brnčić
Mauricio Sierra is a dancer and performer, and collaborates alongside Magdalena Garzón in the audio-description project.
Magdalena Garzón is a dancer and choreographer, coordinator of the research project ‘Aproximación al lenguaje de la danza experiencia y creación para personas con diversidad visual’.
Fortià Prat Planas is an acupuncturist, reflexology and shiatsu practitioner. He has been blind since birth and is a collaborator in the research project coordinated by Magdalena Garzón.
Marta Azparren is a visual artist. She moves between experimental film, performance and drawing.