The act of talking and listening to oneself at the same time turns our voices into a score for which we are both performers and audience. We don’t tend to listen to ourselves talking; we don’t pay attention to how we sound, to the uniqueness of our sound. Where is my voice? How is voice produced? Is voice a text? Who is sounding when my voice is sounding? MI VOZ ES UN JARRÓN is a brief vocal study in which I use three instruments: my voice, a jug and a microphone. It’s a kind of selfportrait in sound that needs to be listened to by myself but mostly by others in order for the transformatory experience it proposes to be completed.
Paula Miralles is a creator and cultural worker in the field of performance arts. After working for many years as an actress and performer, she began to develop her work as an artist. From 2005 to 2017 she worked with musician and composer David Alarcón on a range of projects focusing on voice, sound and stage. In 2018 she premiered her first solo piece, LP, a work on voice, music and biography. Since then she has premiered two more solo pieces. Her artistic practice revolves around voice and sound as tools for self-discovery and powerful social and political instruments. She is currently a member of artistic collective Taller Placer with Vicente Arlandis.