Quatre octaves i mitja (Four and a Half Octaves) is the result of the creators’ poetic need to express their current life experience from a more mature perspective and a very special and different place in their lives.
Four and a Half Octaves is an idea for a show where it looks like there’s going to be a concert, but somehow it never takes shape: it remains a NON-CONCERT.
Using the biography of Jeff Buckley (virtuoso musician of eternal beaty who died in mysterious circumstances) as the connecting thread through which to imagine and create, the two choreographers make incursions into subjects such as melancholy, age, death, love, chance, sadness and humour…
Original texts, song lyrics, melodies that are instantly recognisable to all, covers of existing tracks… poetically describing a fragmented universe full of sensations, forms and textures.
Mònica Muntaner (1966) trained in contemporary dance in Barcelona. She has worked as dancer/performer with a range of creators and companies. She is joint artistic director of La Poderosa, a space for creation in Barcelona established in 2000, and cofounder of Las Santas (multidisciplinary artist collective) and ARTAS (artists associated with La Poderosa). She complements her artistic facet as creator by giving dance lessons to children and young people, as well as training professionals. She has taken part in body awareness workshops for a series of social projects working with immigrant women, women at risk of social exclusion and older people. She is currently in her fourth year of training as a Hatha Yoga instructor at the EQUILIBRIUM – Bhakti Yoga Shala school in Barcelona, and is working on her latest project with Rosa Muñoz.
Rosa Muñoz (1967) directed dance company RARAVIS together with choreographer Andrés Corchero between 1995 an 2009. She has combined her solo work with collaborations with other choreographers such as Sofía Asencio, Carmelo Salazar and Søren Evinson, performer Jorge Albuerne and poet Eduard Escoffet. Having taken a voluntary break for maternity leave, she is now immersed in the creation process of new piece Four and a Half Octaves with Mónica Muntaner, creator and codirector of La Poderosa.