Production 2024




PREMIERE: 10 and 11 May at the Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona

6 to 9 February and 13 to 16 February at the Antic Teatre, Barcelona


Original idea: Andrea Rodríguez de Liébana and Sergio Gonzalez
Performers: Andrea Rodríguez de Liébana and Sergio Gonzalez
Artistic accompaniment: Marissa Paituví
Production: Andrea Rodríguez de Liébana and Sergio Gonzalez
Technical and Lighting Design: Sarah Jeneway
Sound Design and Distribution: Ángel Faraldo
Acknowledgments: Chiara Marchese, Elena Zanzu, Johnny Torres, Mila Rodríguez and Nini Gorzerino
Costume Design: Lisa Ivarsson
Web design: Kil Fema
Photography: Gemma Batlle, Marta Garcia Cardellach and Rokas Snarskis
Audiovisual Support: Gemma Batlle and Mich Zurita

Co-production: Antic Teatre (Barcelona), Café de las Artes Teatro, Circusnext
With the support of: Institut Català d’Empreses de Catalunya (ICEC)


Masha is a performance experience based on contemporary circus arts and presented in a space where we can observe, reflect, and coexist. The piece takes the form of a creative laboratory where we collectively investigate ourselves and focus on some specific aspects of human relationships. The play takes place on a linoleum strip measuring one by eight meters and covered with body oil, on which they perform a repertoire of movements and displacements, transforming the discipline from hand to hand to a new body language.


The company was formed at the end of 2021 by Andrea Rodríguez de Liébana (graduate in circus at the Rogelio Rivel school and former gymnast) and Sergi González (graduate of the National Contemporary Circus Center in London, who has worked with companies such as El Circ Gran Fele, Atempo Circ, La Clandestina, Emiliano Alessi, Joan Català, and Los Galindos). The company was selected with its debut work in Tránsits de la Creació and Residencias Creuades, both promoted by La Central del Circ. Additionally, they have been awarded at the Circusnext European platform awards (2022 – 23) .

Imatge: Gemma Batlle Gironès
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