The watching machine was the name given to those objects from the 19th century that created illusions through mirrors and shutters. Small boxes that contained simple mechanisms but magical results.
In The Watching Machine piece “the machine” is the stage. In it, we play with light, shadows and reflections to experience what is illusion, what is representation and what is convention. A piece composed of small installations where light and shadows are fictionalized through optical illusions.
Macarena Remember Shepherd is the pseudonym of the artist Lidia Zoilo. These are her pieces:
2010: “Thatʼs the story of my life”, a film made live. A production of MiCarteraPatrocina, with the help of CoNCA and the collaboration of BilbaoArte, Teatre Lliure and Antic Teatre, a piece that has been showed Spanish State and Portugal.
2012: “Greenwich Art Show”, a documentary made live. A production of MiCarteraPatrocina, Festival NEO, CAET and Antic Teatre. And “Greenwich Art Show – The Installation”, Atrio Alhóndiga de Bilbao Grant.
2013: “Whose are those eyes?”, site specific and urban intervention that was premiered at Fira de Tàrrega 2013, Escena Poblenou 2013 and Festival Bad 2013. She has received the Fira de Tàrrega Laboratory Grant, the residence offered jointly by Escena Poblenou and Antic Teatre; and the Bilbao Eszena residence.
2015: “The Ganzfeld Experiment”. HPC consonni (Bilbao).
2016: “Collage y Acción”, research laboratory. It is an intergenerational laboratory that aims to create a common space both for fun and for artistic research. Conferences of “Encuentros Collage”, a space for the art and thought of collage in film, literature, music, art and action. A meeting to know, exchange and proliferate in a common space-time.
2018: “¡AY! ¡YA!”, a performance dance piece for all audiences, a production of Antic Teatre, Festival Grec, Basque Government, Festival Bad, Graner, Sala Baratza and La Fundición Bilbao. 2020: “The Watching Machine” is a plastic and scenic piece, a production of Festival Bad, Antic Teatre, Basque Government, Graner, Harrobia and Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao).
She is currently working on an art and education project about the art of light using the materials in this piece.
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