March, 2011. Iceland. Eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano. It’s been emitting warning signs for several days. It made the island tremble several times until the ground became unstable and it finally exploded. A few days later, M also exploded. She decided that she had to stop being the only one denouncing the man who used to abuse her as a child. But what happens when we don’t see ourselves as worthy victims?
This project is not solely artistic. We understand arts and culture as social and political tools with which to foster change, as well as provide a critical eye on this type of violence; and we have clear objectives: to create awareness and break the taboos surrounding this universal problem. And so create a safe place where children can be protected.
Marina Guiu Almenara is an artist and actress who trained in Dramatic Arts at Aula de Teatre in Lleida, the NIC Instituto del Cine of Madrid, the Theatre for the People (also in Madrid), on various courses held in Sala Beckett and with a range of professionals such as Bàrbara Mestanza, Àlex Rigola, Cesc Gay, Adán Black and Mario Gas, among others. Her training in Fine Arts took place at EAM Leàndre Cristòfol in Lleida, ESDIP Madrid, Taller la Madriguera in Barcelona and others.
She has been working both as a visual artist and a performance artist since 2014.
In 2021, she began creating La Muda during the course “EN TEMPS PRECÀRIS: REVOLUCIÓ!” held at Nau Ivanow, and in 2023 this was the resident project at Can Felipa.
She is a member of the COLECTIVO HARTÍSTICO as an actress, creator and graphic designer.