Ninth edition of KONVENT a l'ANTIC
7-10 November 2024

BMS studio

Black Man Solo

KONVENT a l'Antic
Thursday, 7th November at 8 pm. + After-show by Malcon McCarthy and Cesc Laporta, member of El Taller - Masculinitats diverses i perspectiva de genere

Friday, 8th November at 8 pm
Languages: spanish
Duration: 54 minutes
Recommended age: +18 years old
Tickets: 14 euros ONLINE // 16 euros BOX OFFICE

Authorship and performance: Malcolm McCarthy
Direction: Malcolm McCarthy and Xavi Buxeda
Soundscape: Neus Ballbé
Choreography and movement: Rogelio Lordá
Assisted production: Amada Bokesa
Executive production: Karel Mena
A production by Periferia Cimarronas


@die_welle20 @periferiacimarronas


#blackmansolo #masculinidades #nuevasmasculinidades

What makes a man a “man”? What makes a man fight, fuck, hold back tears, be strong? What makes a man deceive, love, move away from fear?

Black Man Solo by Malcolm McCarthy takes us on a personal and intimate journey that talks about some of the triggers of toxic masculinity, true, but also explores the possible path of redemption, of change… the journey that marks the vulnerability that appears when the mirror turns and you become a father, or when it’s distorted by the loss of your own father.

Malcolm McCarthy is an artist of Afro-Cuban origin residing in Barcelona. In 2011, he began his acting studies at the Col·legi de Teatre de Barcelona. His professional acting debut was in the play LÓ nada at the Teatre Lliure. Since then, he has worked as an actor in various projects in theatre, film, and television. Highlights of his work include his participation in plays such as Temps Salvatge at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya; Adam i Eva at the Seca, Espai Brossa; Gazoline on a national tour; and in the last two projects by director Isabel Coixet, Nieva en Benidorm and Foodie Love. He has also studied dramaturgy with playwright and director Denise Duncan. He is a founding member of the collective “Tinta Negra”.

The ninth edition of KONVENT A L’ANTIC: a once-a-year chance to see, in Barcelona, the creations of resident artists at Konvent de Cal Rosal, a former convent of the late 19th century converted into a multidisciplinary and selfmanaged artistic centre.

Just like Antic Teatre, Konvent is a cultural agitator: a space for the arts and, at the same time, a way of practicing and understanding local culture. The continuous tracking and observation of the artistic environment, empowerment and providing visibility are some of the self-imposed duties of both establishments. The Antic Teatre-Konvent combo has produced many wide-ranging projects, such as Rebota rebota y en tu cara explota, by Agnés Mateus and Quim Tarrida, which won the Premio de la Crítica Nuevas Tendencias 2017, Premio FAD Sebastià Gasch Aplauso 2018 and Premio Butaca 2018 Nuevas Aportaciones Escénicas.

Imatge: Heidi Ramírez
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