# JUANA DOLORES # * massa diva per a un moviment assembleari * (too much Diva for an assembly movement) is a performance solo that, starting from the decontextualisation of ideology, symbology, and Marxist-Leninist terminology, shows the pain of the individual within the community as the desire to be socially and culturally sexualised; as a confession; as a declaration of love.
“I don’t believe in excuses. Making excuses is for cowards and traitors. I make an effort to keep suspecting the forest – there, in the distance / from on the scaffolding. However, a golden wind and my feet hesitate / and my tongue hesitates / and my pride hesitates: my stupid lack of balance launching me against the ideology that supports me.”
Juana Dolores is an actress, writer and video artist. She has published Bijuteria (winner of the 56th edition of the Amadeu Oller Award for Catalan Poetry, 2020, Edicions Galerada) and, following on from LIMPIEZA (2020) and SANTA BÁRBARA (2020), she has written and directed MISS UNIVERSO (2021, Temporada Alta), a short film somewhere between video art and video essay in which she plays a model reflecting on the concept of eroticism in the works of Georges Bataille. She is currently on tour with her first theatrical performance piece, # JUANA DOLORES # * massa diva per a un moviment assembleari * (2019-2020, Antic Teatre).
>>> Watch JUANA DOLORES # JUANA DOLORES # * massa diva per a un moviment assembleari * (FULL PLAY)
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