Co-production 2014



Duration: 75 min

A co-production of Antic Teatre and Graner – Mercat de les Flors, with the collaboration of GREC 2014 Festival de Barcelona

Creation and director: Juan Navarro
Collaboration in creating: Oscar Cornago
Assistant Director: David Pérez
Creation and cast:  Muha Madou Jvo, Juan Navarro, Gonzalo Cunill and Rafael Navarro
Music: Per confirmar
Technical direction and lighting design: Ferdy Esparza
Costumes: Nieves Casquete

Special thanks to: Semolinika Tomic and Antic Teatre

From: Oscar Cornago
Date: March 6 2014 14:19:17 GMT-03:00
Subject: bem vindo ao mundo (welcome to the world)
To: Juan Navarro

When we start to talk about what’s going on in the world and we mention politics, the economy or any one of those topics to which we’ve assigned a generic label so we all know what we mean, we end up understanding nothing, because in order to understand we need to be aware of the other things, such as fear and desire, that exist beyond those important-sounding labels. Fear can make a person commit all kinds of insanities. I once nearly killed myself jumping out of a hotel window because I was afraid of a fire, and I never even saw the flames. Fear can definitely lead to murder; much of the violence we try to explain away through good or not-so-good reasoning has to do with all this fear stuff. When people risk their lives trying to cross a border, knowing that many of them will die for sure, this only happens because of fear: fear of poverty, of want, of never achieving a minimum standard of living; everything else is just so much talk. All those debates on immigration, Europe, the economy and so on should start there: talking about fear and what people are capable of doing under given circumstances.

Paradise is a calm place is a Decalogue of staged speculations on fear.

Juan Navarro (1969) has an extensive career as performer, actor and stage director. Since 2000 he has been a regular collaborator of Rodrigo García and La Carnicería Teatro, with whom he continues to work. Over the past 25 years he has also worked with directors and companies known for their unconventional performance languages: Roger Bernat (BCN), Marta Galán (BCN), La Fura dels Baus (BCN), Anita Saij (Copenhagen), Einstürzende Neubauten (Berlín), and Sara Molina (Granada).

As a stage director, he has devised works such as Tala, an adaptation of the Thomas Bernhard novel with the same name, and other creative pieces including Fiestas Populares, Agrio Beso, Baby, Nancy Spungen, and Pequeño Preludio Inmortal among others.

He has also worked in film with directors Roger Gual, Santiago Zanou and Isabel Coixet.



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