This performance project emerged from the need to rethink all performative creation as events linked to things we cannot completely understand. The unfocused focus of this piece is to generate material that speaks to us because of what it isn’t rather than because of what it is. With Ammarantha Vass Dolx (who is blind and transsexual) as artistic consultant, we have created poetic material about what is unseen, unnamed, strange, magical or just an illusion.
To be blinded by the light, to see by means of sounds or to listen with one’s eyes are creation tools in which the body of the performer is activated to the senses. Experimenting with image from other communication methods provokes a more introverted, deeper, almost visceral exploration of the body. Reading the movement of cells, wanting and doing, or playing with sounds loaded with symbols make this piece a collection of images, memories and movements that invade the body, the mind and the senses.
Javier Vaquero Ollero is a dancer, choreographer, teacher, manager and manual therapist. He is obsessed by the body as the focus of study, a bore about anything related to movement, and passionate about dance. He trained in the Netherlands, has lived in many different countries and even now he still asks himself why he opted to work in live arts.
Streetjizz (Camilo Acosta y Alejandro Penagos) was founded in 2012 in Bogotá. The combo aims to position itself in relation to sexuality and intimacy. With the incorporation of techniques such as video, photography, installations and performance, their creation project evolves through constant ambiguous questioning on image and aesthetics.
Watch Javier Vaquero & Streetjizz De lo invisible y lo innombrable (FULL SHOW)
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