How to die and kill, how to resurrect, how to breathe life and how to walk the path that leads from one to the other with joy. Perpetua Felicidá is a triptych of agonies, deaths and resurrections, three passions embodied by each of the performers with the help of her companions and the saints Perpetua and Felicity, strange martyrs of the s. III A.D. in Roman Carthage, respectively mistress and slave, black and white, nursing and pregnant. Moreau, Keisanen and Morales use dance (yes, they use it: they make it useful: they believe in its power to destroy privileges) as the lock that bursts the doors of their knowledge, dance as a looter of the physical and mental states that the Regime got so well guarded.
The Iniciativa Sexual Femenina collective emerged in 2017 in self-managed social centre Can Vies, in Barcelona, with the aim of approaching contemporary dance from a feminist, libertarian and anti-academic perspective. It consists of Élise Moreau (France, 1992), Elisa Keisanen (Finland, 1988) and Cristina Morales (Spain, 1985).