January 24 to 27



Thursday, January 24 at 8pm.
Friday, January 25 at 8pm
Saturday, January 26 at 8pm
Sunday, January 27 at 8pm
Duration: 50 min
Tickets: 12 euros ONLINE // 15 euros BOX OFFICE

Devised and performed by: Iniciativa Sexual Femenina – Elisa Keisanen, Cristina Morales and Élise Moreau
Lighting design: Marc Augustin-Viguier
Photography:  Joan Manrique

Texts: Cristina Morales and Iniciativa Sexual Femenina

Co-produced by: Antic Teatre, La Caldera Les Corts and Festival SÂLMON<

With support from: Centre Social Autogestionat Can Vies and Konvent Zero (Cal Rosal, el Berguedà)

Thanks to: La Poderosa




Catalina doesn’t party: she is a party. Before she leaves the house she tries on her four pairs of ripped tights to see which look best and in the morning she discovers her bruised cheekbone, stitched-up bite marks, sore calf muscles and that she’s lost her voice. Catalina explodes and by giving out kisses, both good and bad, she manages to make others explode. Given the option of “I am Madame Bovary”, which is not what she’s after at all, Catalina declares, “I am rumba”, as Andrés Calcedo did in his magnum opus ¡Que viva la música!, in which we were shown how to suck our hair just as Lectura Fácil by our colleague Cristina Morales (Herralde Prize 2018) showed us how to walk into the corners of furniture. Catalina is guilty of dance and literature, but she atones for her culture with her brazen attitude.

The Iniciativa Sexual Femenina collective emerged in 2017 in self-managed social centre Can Vies, in Barcelona, with the aim of approaching contemporary dance from a feminist, libertarian and anti-academic perspective. It consists of Élise Moreau (France, 1992), Elisa Keisanen (Finland, 1988) and Cristina Morales (Spain, 1985). They are currently resident artists at La Caldera, having passed through el Konvent and La Poderosa. Catalina is their first joint show.

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