session 6
Yapci Ramos’ work revolves around ideas of gender, sexuality and identity, frequently starting from profound realities. The pieces we’ll be viewing in this presenttion are not in any chronological order, but rather trace a journey from the artist’s subjective view to the embodiment of the “other”, finding there a place where the artist can “emerge” into the world and recognise herself within it through the collective and emotional common vision.
Tenerife, 1977. She studied photography at Central Saint Martin’s College of Arts & Design, London (CSM) and holds a Masters in Creative Documentary-making from Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. She lives and works between Tenerife, Barcelona and New York.
Ramos’ work is convincing in its subtle simplicity. A multimedia artist, her diverse productions are deeply committed to the interactions that define a subject in relation to the “Other”. With a focus on visual relations and abstract conceptuals, they show an ability to capture personal moments that contain a narrative depth. Ramos’ projects challenge the line drawn by the comfort zone between body and society while weaving in the intricate functioning of internal psychology and external expressions of identity.
Ramos’ work has been shown at international biennales in the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa: 8ème Rencontres Africaines de la Photographie, Bamako; 2nd Triennial of Luanda; 1st Biennial Encounter of Contemporary Caribbean Art, Aruba; 7th Biennial of São Tomé and Principe; 5th Biennial of Honduras, Tegucigalpa; IX Biennial of Visual Arts of the Central American Isthmus (BAVIC), Guatemala.
Her work has also been presented at museums, art centres, galleries, festivals and institutions around the world, including CCCB Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, Barcelona; TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife; CAAM Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Casa África, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Na Solyanke Gallery, Moscow; Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, New York; CCET Centro Cultural de España, Tegucigalpa; Musée d’histoire de la médecine, Paris; Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris; EAC Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo; Mario Mauroner Gallery, Vienna.
Reviews of her work have been published in Forbes, Paper Magazine, Wall Street International Magazine, Cools, La Vanguardia and El País, among others.
2018_12:05 min. 18-channel audio and video installation
Ramos places herself front and centre in conversations about women’s empowerment, as a woman in control of her own body, voice and destiny.
2018_15:52 min. 3-channel audio and video installation
Between 2006 and 2008, Ramos portrayed the city of Barcelona to her circle of friends, representatives of a generation full of strength and expectations, hopes and dreams. A decade later, she got back in touch with them to assess how their respective lives developed during the intervening period.
Bushes in the Night
2016-2018_4:50 min. Monochannel video installation
Ramos composes a unique and personal catalogue of vegetable species with poetic, ambiguous descriptions.
I Don’t Mind
2017_5:58 min. 6-channel video installation
Faces and sounds that watch us from their gaze and their intimacy.
2020_12:29 min. 10-channel audio and video installation
Crying as catharsis, as a work of art and as an action.
FLUX CLUB celebrates its 12th season at the Antic Teatre and the 21st anniversary of its creation in 2000.
This is a fortnightly video programme that reflects the vitality of video creation in Barcelona. It hosts all kinds of sessions with screenings, video performances, and debates offering direct contact between audiences and video creators. The sessions focus on a range of subjects, from monographics of well-known directors to specific themes such as video dance and video poetry, or collective sessions dedicated to emerging authors.
The programme is open to everything currently going on in the field of video in Barcelona, complementing the FLUX Video Auteur Festival with its content and extending its sphere of influence beyond the dates of the festival, which takes place in December.
HABITUAL VIDEO TEAM is a non-profit association that has as its main objective the promotion of activities related to the visual arts, specifically, video art:
A fundamental area of their work is the organisation of festivals, cycles and video shows, such as the FLUX Video Auteur Festival:, and the INFLUX Audiovisual Performing Arts Festival:
Another area of Habitual Video Team’s activity is video documentation of cultural events mainly related to experimental music and poetry performances. In 2012 they launched the SUMMA project in order to convert this audiovisual heritage (more than 1000 recordings) into a non-profit online video archive: