November 9th to 12th

Habitual Video Team

Festival INFLUX 2017 [vídeo a escena]

Video- creation
Thursday 9th November at 9pm.
Friday 10th November at 9pm.
Saturday 11th November at 9pm.
Sunday 12th November at 8pm.
Duration: 60 min
Tickets: 6 euros ONLINE & BOX OFFICE

Audiovisual Performing Arts

Organized by Habitual Video Team

In collaboration with Antic Teatre and Ajuntament de Barcelona. ICUB



This is the fourth edition of INFLUX festival, which promotes artists who use video and digital media as an integral aspect of artistic expression in their stage proposals. The festival includes works by visual artists, musicians, poets, dancers, performers and theatrical creators who work in the in-between spaces. INFLUX aims to become an established platform providing visibility for local creators from Barcelona and Catalonia, and to help provide a multifaceted vision of the diversity that exists in contemporary creation.

Habitual Video Team is a non-profit association that has as its main objective the promotion of activities related to the visual arts, specifically, video art:

A fundamental area of their work is the organisation of festivals, cycles and video shows, such as the FLUX Video Auteur Festival:, and the INFLUX Audiovisual Performing Arts Festival:

Another area of Habitual Video Team’s activities is video documentation of cultural events mainly related to experimental music and poetry performances. In 2012 they launched the SUMMA project in order to convert this audiovisual heritage (more than 1100 recordings) into a non-profit online video archive:

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