Eleventh edition of INFLUX, the festival dedicated to audiovisual performing arts.
INFLUX is an interdisciplinary festival of new scenic trends where video and the digital world are used as a fundamental tool for artistic expression.
INFLUX wants to promote the work of visual artists, musicians, poets, dancers, performers and scenic creators who, starting from different contemporary languages, use the interdisciplinary nature of video and the possibilities of digital environments and interactive systems to develop their stage projects.
The artists participating in this edition of INFLUX are Trans-Aeolian Transmission, The Julandrons, Alba G. Corral / Björt Rùnars, Jaume Clotet, Aldo Aranda, Acoustic Heritage Collective and Barbara Ghidini / Antonio Bértolo / Alfredo Costa Monteiro.
INFLUX focuses on local creators, linked to the city of Barcelona and by extension to Catalonia, but is also open to the possibility of bringing artists from abroad that due to their relevance and being little known here may be of interest to the audience and the local scene.
INFLUX wants to be a stable platform that gives projection to many creators who move in the border spaces that appear with the crossing of new expressive formats. A festival like this helps to provide a more complete view of the diversity of contemporary creation.